Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The movie Enough is a great movie because it also can have some people relate to it. It has a huge impact on those that get beaten and think there is no way out. This movie stars Jennifer Lopez who plays Slim Hiller a young wife that think she has everything the perfect life the perfect husband and kid. Soon realizes that her perfect husband is not who she thinks she is and starts abusing her over one night that she found him cheating on her and confronts him. So she and her daughter escape him but he will not let them go that easy he searches for them and won’t stop till he gets them back. So she realizes that the only way out is to learn to fight back and kill him that way she can live her life. This is a great movie because it shows what a mother will go through to protect her young. I can relate to this because I have a 2 year old son who I love with all my heart and do what I have to do to protect him. Enough is known to be a thriller but to me it should be about love and how a mother shows that love. Jennifer Lopez plays a and tremendous role in this movie she has to go through changing her look and her name that way her husband won’t find her. So she finally says I have had enough which is why the title is enough. This is the greatest movie to me because it shows the strength she has after he abused her and shut down her character but she never let that faze her. Here is a clip of Jennifer Lopez and the trailer of the movie Enough it will give a glimpse of what the movie will be about.


The movie Selena is a biography of the top Latino chart singer Selena Quintanilla Perez played by Jennifer Lopez. This is the greatest movie because it shows how someone wanting a dream and how far they will go to receive that dream. This movie came out in 1997 and is a Biography, drama, and music. This is not your regular biography it shows the true passion that Selena had toward singing and her fans. Selena was a Tejano singer that hit top charts and was starting to sing in the pop world before her tragic death. Selena had to work for her success but with the efforts of her dad pushing and pushing her she did it and soon realized that she loved music just as much as her dad does. This is the best biography movie I have ever seen it shows her concerts that she did the award show she went to, and her designs that she made for her boutique. Selena was the Queen of Latino Music everyone loved her. Although I was 5 when she died I came to know who she was through this movie and started to love her even though she was not producing music anymore I still loved the music she had before her death. This movie tells a lot about her from her childhood to her career and her secretive marriage. I also think this movie is great because it shows at the end the real Selena and shows her singing and waving to her fans. This shows how much affect she had on her fans this movie really brings to life the singer and portrays her in really good way. Here is a clip from the movie of Jennifer Lopez portraying Selena in one of her concerts just the way Selena would do it.


The movie Juno is a great movie because it gives people a chance to relate to this young girl. This movie was released in 2007 and is known to be a comedy and drama. This is great because it tells about things that are happening today with young girls that are getting pregnant at a young age. I am one of those young girls so I can relate really well to this movie which is why it is the greatest movie to me. This movie includes actor like Ellen page, Michael Cera from Superbad, and Jennifer Garner. This movie is about a 16 year old Juno played by Ellen Page who his faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Just like any other teenager she does not know what to do and is confused so she considers abortion but cannot go through with it. Juno knows that she is not ready to raise a child and that the father Paulie Bleeker Played by Michael Cera is not ready to be a father so she only chose is to have and adoption. So she finds the perfect couple that could raise the baby who live in the suburbs. Juno will face the hardest decision that she most likely will ever have to make and realize that something may look perfect but things are not always what they seem. This is a great movie because Juno is the type of character we should all be, she never cares what people think about her, she don’t let anyone make decisions for her she stands for what she believes in. This is such a funny movie as well it will make you laugh and anyone can watch this movie although I believe it is pg-13 so maybe not for the young kiddos. So go and rent this movie or watch on HBO I know I do. Here is a link to the greatest song and will show you a little of the comedy that comes out of this movie.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Grease is an old classical but great musical of all time. It is the greatest movie it was released in 1978. It is known as a musical, comedy, and romance. This is for all ages but not sure if everyone will like it but if you love musicals then Grease is the movie for you. Grease is about a goody girl who falls in love with a cool guy over the summer and ends up going to the same school. The good girl played by Olivia Newton-John moves to the school that Danny Zuko played by John Travolta goes to. Since Danny Zuko is the leader of the T-birds he is known to be a tough guy he tries to act all big and bad and that their love for each other was not innocent that it was just another girl for him. Sandy is not happy with that because they had an innocent love for each other so now she tries to move on with her new friends. The pink Ladies but Sandy does not fit in very well with this ladies she is to goodie too shoes for them because they smoke and she don’t do that or drink. So Sandy finds herself becoming alone unless she changes her ways so that Danny will be able to with her. Danny Zuko might want to change his way and become a jock so that way he can impress Sandy and make up for what he has done to her. This is the greatest movie because it shows romance through a musical which is the best romance that could be portrayed. It has great song hits that everyone is still singing today people sing the songs in school plays and other musicals it is known worldwide. Here is a little clip that shows one of those famous songs and personally my favorite.


Fnding Nemo

Finding Nemo is the best kid movie, it came out in 2003 and is known for its great imagination and lets the minds of children wonder. This movie stars great the great star such as Ellen DeGeneres who plays a good role in this movie makes everyone laugh and many other stars. It is known for animation, adventure, comedy, and family. This about a quest about the sea and the fishes and other animals that live there it is about the bond of a father and son. All along Marlin was a very timid clown fish that would not let his son go and spread his wings because that is all he had left. When Nemo gets swept away by a ship that catches him Marlin has no choice but to be brave and go out into the sea. Through the way he meets Dory which is the voice that Ellen DeGeneres portrays and she is a blue tang that suffers from memory loss. Which is very funny this why to me it’s the best movie. So they form this friendship while Marlin is on this quest to find his son. They go through plenty of obstacles and even face sharks. Marlin has to face his fears and conquer things he thought he would never have to conquer. This is a great movie because it gives these animals the characteristics that humans have and it is so neat how they portray them. It also gives you a great laugh I have not meet anyone who does not like this movie I can watch this movie over and over again. It brings the kid out in me. Here is a clip of Dory being her funny self and you can see the character that Ellen DeGeneres brings to this voice.


Mean Girls

Mean girls is a fun movie to watch it is good for the whole family it also has a bit of drama. This movie came out in April 2004 and was listed to be a comedy and drama. This movie is about girls that are mean to each other because we all know that there are plenty of girls like that in schools. This is a great movie because it shows how some people can be so mean but there is always karma coming back to them. This movie is about a girl named Cady Heron who Lindsay Lohan plays and she used to live in Africa and was always home schooled well they move out of the jungle and to a big high school. This high school has of course all the popularity groups that every high school has well there is one specific popularity group that Cady associates with the plastics, at first it was to make fun of them and get back at the plastics and their leader.. The Leader of that group is Regina George played by Rachel McAdams soon Cady finds herself becoming one of them and then makes a big mess when she starts liking Regina’s ex boyfriend. They start fighting and it is pretty hilarious what they do to each other it’s a good story about girls and drama. It will make you laugh and make you want revenge. This is the best movie because a lot of people can relate to it and feel some of the feeling those girls feel. I like this movie a lot it shows on TBS, ABC family and other channels as well. Here is a little clip of how mean those girls really are to each other and why Cady would want revenge on Regina.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Notebook

The movie Notebook is known to be a tear jerker and is the best movie for women sorry guys you might not like this one however maybe the romantic guys might like this one. This was made in 2004 and is a romance and drama movie. Its start off in an elderly home where there is an old man who is telling a love story to an older woman who is losing her memory every day. The love story deals with a poor romantic guy who falls in love with a young wealthy girl but he shows her there is more to life. Ryan Gosling plays Noah Calhoun who is the poor romantic guy. Rachel McAdams plays Allie Hamilton the young rich girl. Soon Allie's parents find out about this relationship and are not happy because Noah's family is not wealthy so they move Allie away. They soon meet up and Allie has to decide if she is still in love with Noah or her future husband. This movie is so sweet and makes you wish that everyone's relationship was romantic like this one. The romantic roles of the lovers’ shows passion as they did win the award for best kiss, it also shows their love for each other it makes you feel that innocent puppy love that you use to have with your husband or long time boyfriend. I can definitely say that every women will love this movie I know I did I even cried a little bit. This is the greatest movie because it shows that true love can exist and that no matter how hard you try to escape from your first love it will always be there. This movie has some comedy in it to so don’t just think it is some corny movie that all it shows is lovers loving each other, it shows tribulations as well not everything is perfect in a relationship as we all know that is true. Here is a link to watch the Passionate kiss scene that won the best kiss award.