Monday, November 23, 2009


Grease is an old classical but great musical of all time. It is the greatest movie it was released in 1978. It is known as a musical, comedy, and romance. This is for all ages but not sure if everyone will like it but if you love musicals then Grease is the movie for you. Grease is about a goody girl who falls in love with a cool guy over the summer and ends up going to the same school. The good girl played by Olivia Newton-John moves to the school that Danny Zuko played by John Travolta goes to. Since Danny Zuko is the leader of the T-birds he is known to be a tough guy he tries to act all big and bad and that their love for each other was not innocent that it was just another girl for him. Sandy is not happy with that because they had an innocent love for each other so now she tries to move on with her new friends. The pink Ladies but Sandy does not fit in very well with this ladies she is to goodie too shoes for them because they smoke and she don’t do that or drink. So Sandy finds herself becoming alone unless she changes her ways so that Danny will be able to with her. Danny Zuko might want to change his way and become a jock so that way he can impress Sandy and make up for what he has done to her. This is the greatest movie because it shows romance through a musical which is the best romance that could be portrayed. It has great song hits that everyone is still singing today people sing the songs in school plays and other musicals it is known worldwide. Here is a little clip that shows one of those famous songs and personally my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good movie I used to watch it all the time. I love all the music in this movie. I think this is one movie that I could watch over and over again and never get tired of it. I recently went out of town with a group of people and one of the girls that was with us just started singing Grease songs out of now where it was very funny.
