Saturday, November 21, 2009

Paranormal Activity

This movie is one of the scarriest movie of all time just talking about it right now makes me get goosebumps. I would not recommend children under the age of 12 to go see it because it really can give night mares. This movie is about a couple who has a pretty good relationship but the wife is known for seeing ghost in her passed and is seemed to being haunted by something. Well the movie is one of those that is like a documentary where it moves all the time as if it was a home camera being used. This makes the movie seeem alot more real and alot more spooky as well. Well the movie starts off a little slow but believe me picks up fast. Then you start seeing things you could not believe and start thinking about if that could really happen. You start seeing footprints appearing in the doorway when no one else was in the house but them and they were sleeping. I dont wan to ruin the movie for you but all I can tell you is it is worth seeing. There is some movies that people dont want to go a pay for to see in the theatres but this one is not one of those it is worth every penny. Paranormal is known to make people faint, cry, shake, have nightmares, and much much more. So if you love to be scared out of your pants than this is the right movie for you.
Here is a clip just to spook you out.

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